impatient grace
Welcome! You have made it to the home page of impatient grace! I am glad you are here. Here’s some tips to get you started and navigate the site:
- To find the blogs, you can click the side bar with the 3 lines where there is a drop down menu. They are set in Categories.
- The middle menu, gives you an idea of who we are and why we are here. Nice to meet’cha is my personal welcome to you! US is the “About the Blog” that tells you why I started this blog. “The Dream” is where I would love to see impatient Grace go and what I am believing the Lord can do with this God-sized endeavor.
- If you are looking for hand-made items that I make and sell, please click on Products on the middle menu.
- At the bottom you can find how to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest (wink, wink) and how to contact me with ANY questions or concerns.
Now it’s time to get exploring the site! I hope you find it easy to navigate and encouraging for your walk through this crazy life…..Impatiently and Gracefully!
—- Amber